There are some really amazing moms out there and to all of you, I wish you an amazing day because you deserve it!

And to my mom, thank you so much for being the best mom to Josh and me.  You’ll never know how thankful I am for the many sacrifices you’ve made for us.  I know it hasn’t always been easy but you never stop giving, encouraging, loving and caring.  I’ve learned so much from you over my 27 years and I wouldn’t be the woman I am today without you.  Here’s to 27 more years of laughing until we pee our pants, creative projects, hunting for good deals, figuring life out over a glass of wine, hugs, love and family time.  Happy Mother’s Day!Mother's Day

Thank you for having a glass of wine and agreeing to playing in this field with me at sunset.  Another reason you are the best mom ever.   You’re always up for whatever comes to my crazy head!Mother's DayI love you to the moon and back <3